Salt ‘n Light Creative Arts Camp

Camp Hebron

June 22nd-27th, 2025

For students 10-18 years old.

Come join the Salt ’n Light staff for five days of hands-on creative arts training and experience. All campers will have the opportunity to learn about the heart behind creative arts, worship, and directing others toward God in imaginative ways. Then, through our Major tracks and seminars, we will work with campers to develop pieces specific to their interest, teaching and working with them through brainstorming, creative development, writing, acting, directing, dancing, leading worship, producing and more. All of this will be set to the backdrop of a camp environment with focused time on relationships, worship, and going deeper in faith.

Details about Creative Arts Overnight Camp 2025


We are so excited to be partnering with Camp Hebron again for this year’s Creative Arts Camp! Students will have the opportunity to stay in the beauty of nature at this incredible mountainside camp! In addition to our regular teaching spaces, they will have access to the pool, the lake, the gym, multiple hiking trails, beautiful starry nights and even horsebackriding.  There will be creative arts training throughout the day and sessions of worship, small groups,  teaching, and campfires in the evenings. And of course, there will be ample free time for hanging out with other students and staff!

  1. Major Tracks- This year we will be offering 4 major tracks of study: Music, Drama, Dance,  and Fine Arts. When registering, please choose a major track of study. This will be the main focus of your week at Creative Arts Camp
  2. Seminars- Each year, we have a wide variety of offerings outside of major tracks of study so that students can get a well rounded experience! We will be offering  seminars that students can sign up for. Students will have the chance to sign up for their seminars on the first night of camp.
  3. Check in/out- Camp will run from Sunday  June 22nd at 2:30pm -Friday June 27th at 8:30pm.
  4. Closing Program- On June 27th we will have a closing program to celebrate the students’ hard work. Please join us Friday evening from 6:30pm-8:30pm for this exciting night and see everything your students have created and practiced throughout the week. Additional friends and family are welcome to join as well!
  5. Cell phone policy- Camp Hebron has a strict no electronic device policy. As partners with them to run this amazing camp, we will be honoring this policy! Students will not be allowed to have their phones during the week. Our Salt ‘n Light staff members will have their cell phones should the need for them arise. If there is a significant reason for a student or parent to need to contact one another, you can do so through the camp’s main line or contact Christie Holliday, our camp dean.
  6. Pool and Swimsuits- There is a pool at Camp Hebron! So students will have to take a swim test at the start of camp if they want to swim during the week. Additionally, the swimsuit policy is one pieces/full coverage tankinis for girls and swim trunks for boys.

Registration is open! All Registrations this year will be run through Camp Hebron’s website and registration system. ALL REGISTRATIONS MUST BE SUBMITTED BEFORE JUNE 12th or you/your student will not be able to attend.

Please read the following instructions BEFORE attempting to register as their system is different than ours and may be harder to navigate.

Hebron Registration Instructions

Any registration questions should be directed to Megan McMaster at Camp Hebron (

If your family would like financial assistance, Camperships are available on a case by case basis. You can apply for a Campership with Camp Hebron using the application form on their website. All campership requests MUST be submitted by May 31st.

Registration is open!

Creative Arts Camp Ticket Pricing

CAC Regular

1/2 Payments options are available for those who have churches covering 1/2 the cost. 

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