Welcome to the funding campaign for our exciting new project, “The Girl Behind the Door”. As we’ve found ourselves in a season where large in-person events are on hold, we set out to create something really special. This full-length feature film will not only serve as our main creative component at the 2021 Zeteo event, but has the potential to reach people far and wide for years to come.
Taking on a project of this magnitude certainly has its challenges, but we believe the message of this story and the impact it will have is well worth it. That’s why we need your help in making this all possible! We have created multiple giving levels for you to come alongside us in funding the film and have included some perks as a thank you for your help achieving our goal. Any amount given over the initial $15,000 goal will be used to further enhance the film and support the broader implementation of the final piece.
*This event will be slated for January 2021. Exact details of this event will be determined as we get closer but will comply with all public health recommendations for safety.