For those of you that get to spend any time with us, you know that the Salt 'n Light Team is basically one big experiment in the concept of "groupthink."  If you want a nickname to stick, just say it enough times and it probably...

Easter Sunday is always hilariously entertaining, at least for me. First, there is the annual Easter church service in which a few awesome things are happening: Everyone dresses up WAY fancier than they ever have before. I’m talking ladies in bonnets, infants in suspenders, 22-year-olds...

Thanks to all things alliteration, I'm doing a new segment called Website Wednesday. It began last week with (if you haven't already, go check that out!) It will continue this week with... “Shake Up Christmas”- Train When I think of songs that I will ALWAYS pump up and sing loudly in my car with a ridiculous smile on my face, this one is on the top of the list. The video’s pretty sweet too. I think it’s also...

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