12 Mar I use antlers in all of my decorating
I use antlers in all of my decorating
Just how many antlers are there at Questhaven lodge? That is one of the many interesting facts you just might learn if you come to Salt N Light camp. I mean sure, you might play a mean game of toss ball, spot a black bear, or be completely challenged in your spiritual walk…but you will also get to witness a magnitude of decorating that cannot be described in human language. I mean, Questhaven is a professional taxodermists dream. The decor boasts not only 20 plus deer heads in the foyer, it also is home to a full sized mountain goat (complete with mountain rock), a complete turkey, and several coon pelts. But most importantly, for those of us who have and always will be Disney kids, I am convinced that Questhaven lodge is an exact replica of Gaston’s provincial cottage. If there was ever a house that could mimic the sheer manliness, and woodsmen spirit of Gaston…this would be the place.
Now I know it might seem odd to begin a series of blog entries with an overly descriptive account of disney movies and lodge, but these are both aspects of Salt N Light camp that make it so unique. Because its located at a private lodge rather than a larger camp, it’s a closer environment. Counselors and campers alike have more time to really get to know one another and grow together. Also, it might be the only place where one can witness a montage of classic disney songs sung together by a rag-tag group of Salt N Lighters. You didn’t her it from me, but with enough prodding, one can convince a certain Reverend Dr. to join this group, particularly in the song “Circle of Life” from the Lion King. And I know a Salt N Lighter who has Gaston’s entire song memorized, a rendition of which would seem appropriate at this particular location.
But in all seriousness, when I was a kid, I severely disliked camp. I am not exaggerating here. The first time I went to camp, I was homesick the entire week because no one wanted to be my friend, and I failed at all of my activities so I was the only one who didn’t get a cool badge at the end of the week. The second year, I made a friend, but got swimmers ear in both ears and poison ivy all over my face. Not exactly the IDEAL kind of camp experience if you ask me, but I’m clearly biased. Salt N Light camp is truly a different story. It’s probably harder to NOT make a friend than it is to make one. There are no badges to win or standards one has to achieve to be accepted. And since we eat well, play hard, and pray hard…there’s not a lot of time to wallow in loneliness or boredom or the fact that archery may not be your God-given calling.
So this week, the Salt N Light team is headed up to Questhaven for S’Mores, Spiritual connectedness…and of course, lots and lots of antlers. (I’m going to count them and keep you posted) Will we see you there?
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