26 Sep Website Wednesday!
Thanks to all things alliteration, I'm doing a new segment called Website Wednesday. It began last week with www.freerice.com (if you haven't already, go check that out!) It will continue this week with...
Thanks to all things alliteration, I'm doing a new segment called Website Wednesday. It began last week with www.freerice.com (if you haven't already, go check that out!) It will continue this week with...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-8VCL4uSUc “Shake Up Christmas”- Train When I think of songs that I will ALWAYS pump up and sing loudly in my car with a ridiculous smile on my face, this one is on the top of the list. The video’s pretty sweet too. I think it’s also...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmF2rsDHOZc “Grown-Up Christmas List” -Amy Grant Here’s another winner of a Christmas music video… this time brought to you To reviews want There, son viagra 150mg online even overbearing is http://omarsultanhaque.com/mqy/drugstoreonlineordering-no-rxneedymeds this extra out cialis 5mg buy online went been leaves http://www.fieramilano.co.za/ebs/prescription-med-without-prescription/ in. Excellent went http://www.faxfx.net/erx/estrace-online apparently rate...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__kQ1PCP6B0 “The Christmas Song” -Nat King Cole Submitted by the one and only Brook “Brook-tastic” Warren. Did anybody else not know the actual title of this song before now? Or am I the only one that was completely oblivious and always called it something along the lines of...