Okay, so I posted this on my own blog over the summer, but I found it a really important reminder this morning, and I hope you will too. Much love. I love the ocean. I love the way it sounds. I love the way the air...

If any of you remember, at Impact we collected a series of journals in which about 75 of you from different groups shared your stories. As we've been reading through them, praying for them, and drafting up characters and dialogue and situations for Zeteo, I've...

Thanks to all things alliteration, I'm doing a new segment called Website Wednesday. It began last week with www.freerice.com (if you haven't already, go check that out!) It will continue this week with...

I recently had the chance to see the movie, "The Odd Life of Timothy Green" at the very last Drive-In screening for the summer. Now granted, I really had no idea what the movie was about aside from a kid with leaves growing on his...

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